Water Fluoridation by Nima Alipour  D.O.

Water Fluoridation by Nima Alipour D.O.

Water Fluoridation: A Brief Review Leading to Recent Changes in Public Health Measures and Recommendations by Nima Alipour  D.O., MBA Occupational, Environmental, and Preventive Medicine
Foods and Inflammation by Your Marque Team

Foods and Inflammation by Your Marque Team

Chronic inflammation has been subject of many debates. Recent research reveals that chronic inflammation occurs when our immune system gets stuck and attacks our own
Head Concussions by Your Marque Team

Head Concussions by Your Marque Team

What is a Concussion? A concussion can be defined as a traumatic head injury that is a result of a blow to the head, or
Acne by Maria Ramos

Acne by Maria Ramos

Acne, also known as acne vulgaris, is a skin problem that happens due to oil and dead skin cells clogging up our pores.  Although anyone
ADD/ADHD by Monique Lopez

ADD/ADHD by Monique Lopez

What is ADD/ADHD? ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) often begins in childhood and can continue in adulthood. It’s a national health
Seasonal Allergies by Megan Adams

Seasonal Allergies by Megan Adams

Many people experience the discomfort and irritation of seasonal allergies. In fact, there are approximately 3 million U.S. cases per year. Here’s a review of
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