Dietary Supplements

Dietary Supplements

Author: Alison Sims, MD “Doctor, what do you think about my vitamins and dietary supplements?” Whenever I am asked this question, I confess that I
Bowel Movements by Christie Hayes

Bowel Movements by Christie Hayes

Regular bowel movements are a way to ensure a healthy GI tract and good eating habits. Although it’s a bit taboo to talk about, the
Food Poisoning by Karen Ascencio

Food Poisoning by Karen Ascencio

With the winter season upon us, our attention tends to stray away from maintaining that perfectly beach-tanned physique and focus more on staying warm underneath
Skipping a Beat by David Porzio, M.D.

Skipping a Beat by David Porzio, M.D.

Have you ever experienced the feeling of your heart fluttering, skipping a beat, or pausing? How about the feeling of an irregular heart rhythm with
Laughter by Marilee Tapley

Laughter by Marilee Tapley

Audrey Hepburn once said, “I honestly think it’s the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills.” She believed laughter was
Lice! by Katey Kendall

Lice! by Katey Kendall

Nothing puts a damper on a new school year like a case of head lice. Head lice are most common among preschool to elementary school
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